
Looking for the right road to success when it comes to contracts, rights management, and royalty statements?

Smerillo Associates can help you focus on what you do best

– crafting great books and acquiring stellar talent –

while we manage your intellectual property.

Providing contracts drafting/negotiation and royalty statement assistance, Smerillo Associates can lead you down the right path.

  • Agents

    Draft and negotiate Author contracts

    Draft and negotiate Rights agreements

    Administer the contracts and rights agreements

    Review Royalty Statements


    Contact Us

  • Independent Publishers

    Draft and negotiate Acquisition Agreements

    Draft and negotiate Rights Agreements

    Clear Permissions

    Administer the contracts and rights agreements

    Prepare Royalty Statements


    Contact Us

  • Authors

    Draft and negotiate Publisher Contracts

    Draft and negotiate Rights Agreements

    Administer the contracts and rights agreements

    Review Royalty Statements


    Contact Us

Smerillo Associates is dedicated to making your vision a reality.

Our contract, rights and royalty management services

will help move your business forward.


Your Challenge –

As a publishing professional, you’re focused on two things – creating great books and selling the heck out of them. Everything else gets put on the back burner. Unfortunately, the demands of day-to-day business life cannot be ignored. If you don’t manage your business, soon it will be managing you.

We can Help –

Smerillo Associates drafts and negotiates acquisition and rights agreements, advises on deal points, administers the contracts and generally keeps the trains running.

Using the sales information you provide, Smerillo Associates generates royalty statements on customized letterhead ready for distribution to your authors.

Smerillo Associates can help with one time projects –

Draft your boiler plate contract form

Draft need specific contract forms

Review your royalty statements for accuracy against your contract information